
The most amazing Bolognese | Jamie’s Italian

It may seem silly to some of you but believe me this Bolognese deserve its own post!

On Friday, we went to Jamie’s Italian restaurant in Oxford. I wanted to go there for so long, but we never got a table. This time we made reservations beforehand. It was the first time I went to Jamies Italian, but after falling into a food coma, I must add this restaurant to my favorite places.

I really liked the interior, a mixture of rustic italian furniture and modern decor. And the food was delicious.

For starters we had:

Crispy squid Jamies ItalianCrispy squid

famous polenta chips jamies italianThe famous polenta chips with rosemary & Parmesan

prawn linguine jamies italianPrawn Linguine

Tagliatelle Bolognese Jamie's ItalianMy personal highlight: The most amazing Tagliatelle Bolognese!!!

You can’t really see anything because of the amount of Parmesan I put on top, but let me tell you this was the best Bolognese I have ever had. Just thinking and writing about it makes my mouth water again. I still dream about it. It was cooked with Chianti and mixed with bread crumbs. Mmmmmh… I cannot wait to be in London to satisfy my cravings for Jamie’s Bolognese ;)

And for the grand finale:

Chocolate, raspberry and amaretto brownie Jamie's Italian Chocolate, raspberry and amaretto brownie with vanilla ice cream

Almond Tart with smashed strawberries and creamAlmond Tart with smashed strawberries and cream

I cannot even begin to describe the desserts… The brownie perfectly crunchy on the outside and warm and still molten on the inside, mixed with the aroma of Amaretto and crushed raspberries… Heaven on earth! I will definitely try to make this at home.

Does anyone of you know if the recipe for this mouthwatering Bolognese is in one of Jamie’s cookbooks? And if yes in which one? I would very much appreciate any hints as I am in desperate need of the recipe :D

Xo Vicki

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    Jamie's Deli has landed in Vienna - Bowsessed™
    April 5, 2017 at 10:37 am

    […] of my very first posts about my visit to Jamie’s Italian in Oxford and my raving about “The Most Amazing Bolognese“, you know how excited I am. To this day I haven’t tasted a better […]

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