Beverages/ Healthy/ Vegan

Got Almond Milk?

For my first post of 2014, I wanted to write about a healthy DIY to help all of us staying on track with our new year’s resolutions because haven’t we all made some health and fitness-related resolutions back in good old 2013?! ;)

I like researching how to make my own ‘food’. First of all it gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I am not dependent on a supermarket, a brand or a company (yes I’m talking about you Nutella!). Most of the time it is healthier and does not contain any nasties. And in 99.9% of the cases it tastes much better than store bought! 

My all-time favorite almond milk brand is Almond Breeze Vanilla (the refrigerated version) which unfortunately isn’t available in Austria. I tried some other brands but found nothing to my liking. I’m not saying that my recipe for almond milk is a dupe for Almond Breeze (still working on that ;)) but it tastes pretty darn good and way better than anything else I’ve tried of the store bought stuff.


Almond milk
Serves 5
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  1. 170g raw almonds
  2. 900 ml water (filtered)
  3. 2 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste (optional)
  4. 2 tbsp agave nectar (optional)
  5. pinch of salt
  1. 1. Soak almonds in water overnight.
  2. 2. Drain the almonds and put them in a food processor or blender. Pour about 900 ml of water to your almonds. You can play around with the amount of water depending on the desired thickness of your almond milk. If you would like it creamier, try 800 ml of water.
  3. Start blending/processing on full speed for a few minutes, until the mixture is smooth. Place a fine mesh sieve over a bowl or use a cheese cloth to strain the almond milk. Make sure you get all of the liquid from the almond pulp. Mix in the vanilla extract, agave nectar and salt. Pour the milk into a jug or bottle and store in the fridge. It can be stored for about a week.
  1. Don't throw away the almond pulp. You can use for baking or mix it in your oatmeal in the mornings. I mixed the almond pulp in brownies batter, you know to balance out the healthiness of the almond milk :P





I did my research online, how to best strain almond milk and it almost seems like a science! I do have a cheese cloth (which is brand new and I forgot to wash it before being able to use it) but I had never heard of a nut milk bag?! Maybe such a nut milk bag does make better almond milk, but I just opted for a regular fine sieve and it worked just fine. Please do share your knowledge and experiences or any other tips you have to make almond milk! Also what flavors do you like to add to your almond milk? I drank my batch the same day I made it and won’t be waiting long to restock ;)


IMG_3217 4

IMG_3235 2Anyone else rocking a milk mustache?

Have a great Sunday!

 Xo Vicki

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  • Reply
    January 21, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    Vicki, this looks delicious! I have to try it myself – you are absolutely right, the supermarket offers are not satisfying at all in this regard!

    Ps: You look so cute with that moustache ;-)

    • Reply
      January 22, 2014 at 7:54 pm

      Thanks Michi! :) Let me know if you try it! Xo Vicki

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