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Beverages/ Healthy/ Vegan

Got Almond Milk?

For my first post of 2014, I wanted to write about a healthy DIY to help all of us staying on track with our new year’s resolutions because haven’t we all made some health and fitness-related resolutions back in good old 2013?! ;)

I like researching how to make my own ‘food’. First of all it gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I am not dependent on a supermarket, a brand or a company (yes I’m talking about you Nutella!). Most of the time it is healthier and does not contain any nasties. And in 99.9% of the cases it tastes much better than store bought! 

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Healthy/ Vegan

Homemade Almond Butter

I’m obsessed with my food processor. I missed it so much while I was in London and I only had it for about two years.

I remember when I saw it standing all dusty in my boyfriend’s parents kitchen, on top of the cupboard. I was immediately intrigued about all the new cooking opportunities that this handy device has to offer. Needless to say, I saved it from an unfilled life and took it home with me :)

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Beverages/ Healthy

Green power juice

Too much food between the holidays? Way too much alcohol over the past week? If you are like me and can’t remember the last time you ate something green and full of vitamins, this is the perfect drink to detox your body and reboot your system. Don’t fall into a rut of unhealthy food, it is a vicious cycle. And who doesn’t want to start the new year with yummy, green power juice ;)

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