Healthy/ Vegan

Homemade Almond Butter

I’m obsessed with my food processor. I missed it so much while I was in London and I only had it for about two years.

I remember when I saw it standing all dusty in my boyfriend’s parents kitchen, on top of the cupboard. I was immediately intrigued about all the new cooking opportunities that this handy device has to offer. Needless to say, I saved it from an unfilled life and took it home with me :)

I have no idea how I’ve survived all those years without it! It makes everything so much easier!

One of my favorite things to make with my food processor is almond butter. It is so easy to make, it only requires a little bit of patience. I like to use homemade almond butter for cookies, oatmeal bars or just on some toast with a drizzle of honey.


400g raw, unsalted almonds

Makes about 360g almond butter

1. Preheat oven to 160° C.

2. Spread out the almonds on a baking tray, lined with parchment paper. Let them roast for 10 minutes.


3. Remove the tray from the oven and let the almonds cool for 5 minutes.

4. Place the cooled almonds in the food processor and start processing for one minute.


IMG_1868After 1 minute, the almonds should look like this.

5. Scrape down the sides and pulse for another 5 minutes.

IMG_1873After 5 minutes, the almonds will begin releasing their oils.

5. Pulse the almonds for another 8 minutes and you have your homemade almond butter.

IMG_1878Tada! You have delicious, creamy almond butter with no nasties added.

You can add honey or agave syrup to create a sweeter spread. I prefer mine plain.

Pour your almond butter in mason jars and store it in your refrigerator for up to two months.

Almond butter also makes a great gift, just wrap a bow around the jar.




Xo Vicki

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  • Reply
    Homemade Almond Granola | Bowsessed™
    May 30, 2014 at 11:46 am

    […] used my homemade almond butter for this recipe. Next time I want to make a ‘Peanut Butter Cup’ granola using […]

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