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Beverages/ Christmas

DAY 16: Warm Christmas Punch

To change things up a bit, today’s recipe is not a cookie recipe but my mom’s amazing orange Christmas punch. In Austria, Christmas punch can be found at every Christmas market in lots of variations. I would even go as far as to say that hot punch is more popular than mulled wine here.

Punch does not necessarily have to contain alcohol. My mom’s recipe below is a child-friendly Christmas punch version, simply add dark rum to your taste if you want to booze it up.

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Beverages/ Healthy

Green power juice

Too much food between the holidays? Way too much alcohol over the past week? If you are like me and can’t remember the last time you ate something green and full of vitamins, this is the perfect drink to detox your body and reboot your system. Don’t fall into a rut of unhealthy food, it is a vicious cycle. And who doesn’t want to start the new year with yummy, green power juice ;)

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