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DIY Knotted Hair Ties

Sorry for the delay in posts, I’ve just come back from London where I attended Food Blogger Connect (more on that in the next days) and unfortunately fell ill. Now I am trying to get back in the swing of things! :) I’m also trying to figure out a posting schedule to be more consistent.

knotted hair ties

Today I have a very easy DIY for you to make cute knotted hair ties or twistbands as some people call them.

On my last trips to the US (which have been a while back) I have seen knotted hair ties at shops like Anthropologie and J.Crew. They seemed so cute, were usually very conveniently positioned by the checkouts, where I was very tempted to buy them until I saw the price! There were generally priced at about $15 for 4 hair ties, which I thought was insane! I mean they will be stretching out like any other hair tie and I just couldn’t bring myself to spend that much money on hair ties. I thought they seemed easy enough to make at home for a lot less money!

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Beverages/ Healthy/ Vegan

Got Almond Milk?

For my first post of 2014, I wanted to write about a healthy DIY to help all of us staying on track with our new year’s resolutions because haven’t we all made some health and fitness-related resolutions back in good old 2013?! ;)

I like researching how to make my own ‘food’. First of all it gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I am not dependent on a supermarket, a brand or a company (yes I’m talking about you Nutella!). Most of the time it is healthier and does not contain any nasties. And in 99.9% of the cases it tastes much better than store bought! 

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Healthy/ Vegan

Homemade Almond Butter

I’m obsessed with my food processor. I missed it so much while I was in London and I only had it for about two years.

I remember when I saw it standing all dusty in my boyfriend’s parents kitchen, on top of the cupboard. I was immediately intrigued about all the new cooking opportunities that this handy device has to offer. Needless to say, I saved it from an unfilled life and took it home with me :)

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