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Zotter chocolate factory tour

While my friend was visiting me in Vienna, we also did a day trip to Bergl, Styria to visit the famous Zotter chocolate factory. All hand-scooped chocolates are produced organically and are fair-trade. Zotter chocolates are well-known for their unusual combinations of flavors. You can find creations from orange and balsamic vinegar to caramelized bacon. At the chocolate tour you are able to taste from all varieties and as much as you want!! And you are able to learn about the process of making chocolate. Have I convinced you yet? ;)

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A day in Vienna

I have a month off from uni and can now enjoy being lazy back home. A friend of mine from the US visited me and we did all the touristy things in Vienna. While playing tourist in my hometown and experiencing the city through her eyes again I came to realise how beautiful Vienna is. When you live in such an amazing city for so long you forget to appreciate it.

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